Breathless Details

This imagery reflects a fascination with the essence of that which has already passed, whether a dream, death, or memory. The exploration of the subconscious is a continuous source of curiosity and inspiration for me. I'm also interested in the ritual of remembrance, to memorialize and celebrate that for which I feel a great respect, that which is sacred.

I have long felt a strong connection with all forms of animal life, and that continues to inform and affect my personal and emotional life. I look to all animals as sage guides — they seem the closest to the spiritual world, the epitome of inherent wisdom.

When I am given a farm animal that died in stillbirth, for example, I wash it and prepare it for a photograph with little additional intervention. My photographs are shot in soft light and printed archivally in approximately 30 by 40 inches or less.

Every animal discovery has its own important narrative — the context in which it was actually discovered and what I experienced to obtain, prepare, preserve and photograph each individual animal. As a society we tend to remove death from our consciousness. And yet the most profound learning I have experienced has been through loss and the small deaths of daily life.


View Breathless Gallery

Gallery Show: BREATHLESS
Fine Art Gallery, College of Marin, California
August 2017

Breathless Gallery Show 12